Tuesday, November 17, 2009

God's Evil Plan

November 17, 2009

Faruk Muhti
Editorial Newsroom

San Jose, Costa Rica — With war and violence breaking throughout the world being justified by religious beliefs, it finally seems that God's evil plan is finally coming together.

"He wants us all dead!" said local nutcase Father Amado Fuentes, 65, while sipping his morning coffee "His plan is perfect - He has given us free will and tricked us into freely interpreting his scriptures making us believe that He is different per country, region or religion - and that we must kill for Him".

However, this is not something new as most religions that believe in God have killed, kill or will kill in His Holy name, as theologist Marta Castro, 37, explains "it started with the Jews, then the Romans, the Catholics, the Arabs, the Christians, the Mormons - everyone just kills in the name of God - Apparently, people that go to church or follow a religion are gullible to do whatever the leader tells them to do... as long as it's in God's name they will be saved".

Is it his plan?

Mormon Bill Montana ,45, says "Of course it is -according to the scriptures, God knows everything - just as I know blacks are decedents of Cain, and are cursed, that's why they're black!".

And what may His plan be? As said in the scriptures, He wants us all dead in order to be judged and then apparently resurrect. How is he going to do this? What better (evil) way then having us kill each other.

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